Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I am now officially a college graduate! Here are some photos my lovely siblings took from the weekend.
 Me receiving my diploma from the dean of the School of Philosophy, Dr. McCarthy.

 Me receiving my University Scholar award from President Garvey.

 Our awesome university mace bearer, Dr. Druart, who was also my academic adviser for two years.

 Me in the procession in.

 My father in the procession in. See the hat? We gave it to him for his birthday.

 Me and J.

 Me and my friend Annie.

 Me and Kevin.

Almost all the soon-to-be graduates of the School of Philosophy, waiting to process in. This picture was taken by the university photographer, not by siblings.

The weather was lovely, and it was a great day. Terrible traffic on the Beltway meant that we didn't get into South Bend until 2:30 in the morning, but we persevered through it all. I will post the pictures from Teresa's graduation in a separate post.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real: the Zoo

On Monday, we went to the zoo to celebrate senior week. I thought I would share a few photos for Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real this week. 

The White Stork is my favorite bird. We got to see them engage in their mating displays. They clack their beaks loudly while throwing their heads over backwards.

At the risk of sounding too totally cheesy, I love watching Kevin watch things. He gets totally into it and it's wonderful.

If these ears aren't funny, I don't know what is.

All the flamingos look like this. Sometimes we don't think about how unnatural zoos are, but when you have to damage an animal this badly to keep it in the zoo, it does make me wonder if they're really treating the animals right.

For more photos, head over to Like Mother, Like Daughter.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

It is finished

(Is that blasphemous? I hope not. I don't mean it that way.)

I just turned in my last paper and my last final exam. I'm finished with college. I graduate a week from Saturday, and get married a month from yesterday.

I guess this makes me an adult?

This is all kind of surreal.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Papers and more

This week, I have three finals, two papers, and a paper presentation. On top of that, I have work and regular life. I got a chance to do some fun things, including go see one of my favorite bands in concert, but now I am paying the price because I have to do all my schoolwork now.

I hope to post some pictures soon, because I have been taking pictures, some of which I am very pleased with.